I am having problems with my computer and I think part of it is my cordless mouse! Don't worry Karin...I'm going to do my tag tomorrow!!! So all you out there...get ready!!!! Here are the questions I will answer in the morning:)1) Are you happy/satisfied with your blog with it's content and look?
Yep!! I love it:) I think your blog is an expression of who you are. I don't know...What do you guys think? When you read my blog...what does it tell you about me?
2) Does your family know about your blog?
Yep (again) and they never visit it. But, they always want to make sure they contribute to it through art, pictures, or a joke:)
3) Do you feel embarrassed to let your friends know about your blog or you just consider it as a private thing? It depends. Sometimes I want to keep it private. Because it is how I vent my feelings about my day. Then other times I want to share it with the entire world! LOL
4) Did blogs cause positive changes in your thoughts?
Yes!! It has helped me a ton! Every day I look forward to coming down to my office to see who has visited. It is fun to know that you have a huge family (around the world) who know sooo much about you and yet keeps coming back:)
5) Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or you love to go and discover more by yourself? I try to blog surf. But, it is hard to do. It seems like there is never enough time in a day. So, I guess I would have to say, "Not as much as I would like". But, often I will hear about another blogger through a friend. Then I absolutely have to pay that blogger a visit:)
6) What does visitors counter mean to you? Do you care about putting it in your blog?
YEP!!! How fun!! I love to see who has visited and where. HELLO!! Who doesn't?
7) Did you try to imagine your fellow bloggers and give them real pictures?
That is obvious if you look at my blog:) Okay...next question...
8) Admit. Do you think there is a real benefit for blogging? Again...absolutely!!! It helps you connect with people around the world.
9) Do you think that bloggers society is isolated from real world or interacts with events?
If you blog surf you know the answer to this question. Everyone has a comment about what is happening in the world. If you missed the news that day...just go to the bloggers:)
10) Does criticism annoying you or do you feel it's a normal thing?
Yes...it annoys me. But, I am getting used to it. My fellow bloggers have helped me see that they aren't worth your time....Right Karin:)
11) Do you fear of some political blogs and avoid them? I don't fear them at all. I just really believe that we are all free to believe what ever we choose. The first time someone starts bashing my religion is when they have crossed over the line. Then I have no respect for them. I live by the belief that you don't need to preach your religion. People will learn your values by your actions. Christ walked amongst those who did not believe as He did. My desire is to do the same:) So...what I am really trying to say is, "Actions speak louder than words". I can shout from the highest mountain my values. But, if I don't live them, then they mean nothing!!! Do you know what I am trying to say? Okay...I will step off my soap box now:) LOL
12) Did you get shocked by the arrest of some bloggers?
Actually...I don't know anyone who has been arrested? I'm not quit sure what this question means...someone has to fill me in:)
13) Did you think about what will happen to your blog after you die?
LOL No...hahaha I won't be here anyway...but, I do hope that I have given something to someone by my words:)
14) What do you like to hear? What's the song you like to put its link in your blog?
I love all music. I am always changing my videos...actually...that reminds me...it is time to update my videos:) My music expresses my values and gives people an idea of who I am:) BTW I'm a crazy country girl from the ghetto!!!! LOL hahaha
Five bloggers to be the next "victims"? Let's see ...
OMGoodness!!! Okay...I didn't want to leave anyone out:) I just had to post a bunch of you:) If I didn't post you or you just want to be tagged...well, consider yourself tagged!!! LOL Sorry Karin..I tried to post only 5..BTW You can be tagged again here:)
1) http://the-moo.diaryland.com/ Moo...I know you have something to say? Please share chic??? Moo...Luv you:) heheh
2) http://www.4its-worth.blogspot.com/ Hi Sweetie! I can't wait to read your questions...WHERE ARE YOU????
3) http://joarduo.blogspot.com/ Hey lady!!! Welcome aboard:) Please come and share:)
4) http://thelifeofaneuroticmom.blogspot.com/ Lise...look what you have created? A monster I tell you! LOL
5) http://janey-demeo.blogspot.com/ My dear friend:) It was wonderful chatting with you today:) When you get your computer going be sure to let everyone know who you are!
6) http://fortresslife.blogspot.com/ Hi Betty:) Looks like you are going to share soon...I can't wait!
7) http://neababyblu.blogspot.com/ NEA!! Thanks for being so willing to go first:)
8) http://crazybloggincanuck.blogspot.com/ Amber!!! Welcome back!! I can't wait to find out what you have to say:) You are always so sweet to me! Let your hair down!!!
9) http://unseenchildfoundation.spaces.com/ Diane! Gotcha!! hahaha I just had to catch you by surprise:)
10) http://uaecommunity.blogspot.com/ clay I have been looking for you!!! Dude! If you happen to see your name here...Please drop me a note!! I can't find you!!!
11) http://avloomat.blogspot.com/ AKU Don't be bashful!! LOL
12) http://sgfenlaw.blogspot.com/ Fennymun! It is very simple...answer the questions and let us get to know you:) LOL
13) http://moreno4.blogspot.com/ Hi Nicole!!! All I have to say is "Let it go!! I can't wait to hear what my shy friend has to say:)
14) http://noteworthystuff.blogspot.com/ Kim! I can't comment on your blog...but if you get this...know you are invited:)
15) http://help4onemillion.blogspot.com/ Feel free to join us Stacy!
16) http://funnylikethat.blogspot.com/ Hi in training!!! Don't be shy!! Stay awhile and let us know who you are:)
17) http://sittingonadonut.blogspot.com/ Don't sit on a donut girl!!! Please share:)
18) http://meaningless-blather.blogspot.com/ Hey dude! Speak up! What would S want you to do? LOL
19) http://ettonim.blogspot.com/ Hi my little friend Minotte!!! Step up and be seen..no need to be quiet here:)
20) http://my3littlerascals.blogspot.com/ Miss yah lady! Comment so others can get to know you and what you do:)
21) http://breakinsanity.blogspot.com/ You had better answer these questions!!!
22) http://neverland82.jeeran.com/ Well girl! LOL You were the first one to tag me:) Look what you started! hehehe
23) http://livesstrong.blogspot.com/ My little friend from Iraq!! Sunshine you're such a sunshine to all you come in contact with:)